We’re very excited to welcome to the L’N’L Family our latest act, DDA, the new musical venture from The Number Theory‘s David Devine. We recently had the chance to sit down with David before we release his album, Touché Cliche, later this summer.
So tell us about where you’re from and where do you call home?
I’m originally from the Midwest, from Oak Park, Illinois. But mostly a Jersey boy, having lived in Kingston for about 16 years now.
What’s your musical endgame?
I strive for originality most of all, soaking up inspiration from what i listen to, what other musicians have done, and try to maximize the ideas i have to make something original. It would be good for it to have an edge and be challenging somehow.
When and why did you start playing?
I started late, around 18 or 19 but always had a guitar around for a few years before learning more properly. I always loved music. I think it was a real outlet in life to get absorbed in.
Which famous musicians do you admire?
There’s so many, but as of late, Brian Eno. His 3 pop albums in the early 70’s are gold. There were so many experiments on them that were tapped in the music world, particularly the use of layering and effects, and with some glam English cheekiness thrown in too. I admire a lot of the more experimental artists like that. Same for Bowie and Iggy, My Bloody Valentine, Suicide, Richard D. James. Rock needs that. It is out there. Also, MGMT have some amazing ideas.
Where did the name DDA come from?
I just wanted something different. A normal name was boring to me for a solo artist so I named it DDA, my initials in a different order. I also like the sound of it.
How did your “sound” come about?
I don’t know if i have a sound, but I always liked guitar bands. Two guitars can do some wonderful things. I enjoy the atmosphere of what layering parts can do. And the musical incidentals and overtones when playing live can bring out a whole other melody or rhythm. It can spark a lot of creativity. Playing acoustic to one or two tracks for this record, of course, limits that, so its definitely a new thing for me. But I’m having a lot of fun with it.
How did the album title, Touché Cliche, come about
I come across times when things can get cliche, whether it’s writing about a relationship or whatever. It’s really hard writing a strong song lyrically. It’s a whole other side to music and the melody of words. I stumbled on Touché’ Cliche after either submitting to cliche or beating it.
How has your style evolved as a songwriter through the years?
Its gotten easier to write songs now that i am relying on acoustic guitar for this new album. I always preferred writing around loud rock bands, bringing in parts to jam and piecemeal songs together. Now it seems a little more fully realized, more cohesive from the ground up. I don’t know how these acoustic numbers will translate to a band format but I think it could be exciting.
What themes do you pursue?
Lyrically, unique themes, the anti-cliche. When i do hit on cliches and keep them, I just needed the words. At least it will be funny to me. There’s more than a couple of those moments on Touche’ Cliche. But I want to be able to write about a chair if it worked.
What made you start this project?
The last band i was in, Zigman Bird, called it quits and i needed something fresh. I picked up a cheap acoustic guitar with zero expectations. After learning a few covers and dinging around, things started bubbling.
What’s the difference between this release and your previous one?
This ones all acoustic and the music has more influences creeping in because the nature of the medium is so different for me.
What are you trying to communicate with your art?
Feelings, mood. Music is an emotional thing. I used to love putting something like Sonic Youths most dissonant music on during a sunny summer day. That’s a jarring feeling to me. But also very exciting.
How would you describe the sound of your upcoming new CD to any potential new fan?
Acoustic. I would guess there are some out there that wouldn’t even take it for a spin because of that, but i like to think if you hang in there with it for a bit, it can stick and be enjoyable.
Stay tuned for more info about DDA and the upcoming Touché‘ Cliche album by visiting his Facebook page!